Smart Communities: working together to save energy?

Funded by ESRC, Smart Communities was a three and a half year – largely demand-side or ‘behaviour change’ – community energy project (January 2011 to June 2014). The project drew on the principles of participatory action research, and took place in Kingston upon Thames in south west London. The main action phase of the project was from May 2011 to May 2013. 

Policy/practice report

Burchell, K., Rettie, R. Roberts, T. (2014) Working together to save energy? Report of the Smart Communities project.


Burchell, K., Rettie, R. and Roberts, T. (2018, forthcoming). The hard work of reconfiguring everyday energy consuming practices, in Roberts, T. et al (eds.) Reconfiguring everyday energy consuming practices. 

Burchell, K., Rettie, R. and Roberts, T (2016) Householder engagement with energy consumption feedback: the role of community action and communications. Energy Policy, 88:78–186.

Burchell, K., Rettie, R. and Roberts, T (2015) What is energy know-how and how can it be shared and acquired by householders?, ECEEE Summer Study Proceedings 2015, 1979-1990.

Burchell, K., Rettie, R., Roberts, TC (2014) Community, the very idea!: perspectives of participants in a demand-side community energy project, People, Place and Policy, 19 December 2014.

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